
Camera: Canon PowerShot Pro 1

Negatives: Kodak ColorPlus 200 35mm

Nostalgia has always been an inseparable part of human life, and it is born with us from childhood and is with us as a time machine; it is as if it is the countdown of life. From an age onwards, our lives become just the opposite of childhood. Childhood is the only time without memories and we are living. The common memory of all human beings is perhaps childhood. Childhood is the oldest nostalgia. I started taking photos of my childhood negatives to show this concept and idea. This collection is a tour of the ups and downs of my childhood and the opposites of that time; the negatives that today themselves are part of the same collective memory. To make this collection, I went to the old negatives. I placed the negatives on a light table and photographed them macro.

  • Mar. 2010, Elected in Tassvir Photography Festival & Win Prize in Youth Category, Tehran, Iran.

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